Bible Truth Baptist Church 6282 Lake Front Road High Point, NC 27263

Our Super Church is for children 10 and under.  Nursery workers are provided for smaller children, while those a little older have their own church service.  The children are trained how to act in church, as well as how to serve in church.  They are rewarded for their good behavior and obedience in Super Church.  They have their own choir and special singing.  They're taught God's word at their age level so they can understand the Bible.  In Super Church they learn to be an active part of ministry.


For parents who are worried about how their children may act in church, Super Church is a great place to start.  In no time you will see a change in their lives at church and home.  Allow us to be a part in raising and training your children in the way they should go.

Bible Truth Baptist Church
For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 KJB